Protect Your RV With a Garage
No doubt in your area at least a couple times a year there is an RV show! Is that your dream? When you have an RV is it a sound investment to spend your hard earned money on storage somewhere else? Why not consider building an RV garage on your own property? You can keep your RV in top shape by keeping a close eye on it! Not to mention any spur of the moment trips are easier since your RV is close. And of course, protect your RV from the elements!
Take a look at some of our RV garage plans.
Stand alone:
This is the one you can get the most bang for your buck! To begin determining the recommended size for your garage, you will need to first determine the clearance height, length and width of your RV (make sure to include the mirrors and any slides). Also contemplate the future since you may want a larger transportable vacation home! Rarely does one ever complain about having too much storage space – our advice is always build as large as you can afford!
Garage with living space:
This is where your imagination with the extra space can be used! A small apartment? craft room? Man cave with a pool table! Play room for the kids! Imagine all the possibilities as well as RV protection!
Remember we can customize also and make your RV dreams a Reality!